Car Seat Support

Safe sleeping for baby | Choosing the Best Cot

Posted by Julie Monson on

Its important that your baby’s sleeping area is safe. After all, your newborn will be spending 16 to 18 hours a day sleeping there in the first most fragile months of their life . In this article, we discuss the safety standards for cots, mattresses and bedding, and how to ensure your baby's safety in the cot.

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Flying with Children in South Africa | Complete Guide 2022

Posted by Julie Monson on

Adding heavy car seats and boosters to the mix really complicates matters for parents and adds extra luggage and difficulty during boarding. Whether or not it is a legal requirement for your child to be in a car seat/booster at your destination, children under 4 years should still be in toddler car seats and children under 1.5m should still be in boosters, for their own safety. In this article, we will discuss the 3 options, and how to do them as safely as possible: Renting a car seat Installing your car seat on the plane Checking your car seat in

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Hip Dysplasia and Car Seats

Posted by Julie Monson on

Healthy hip positioning avoids positions that may cause or contribute to development of hip dysplasia or dislocation. The healthiest position for the hips is for the hips to naturally fall or spread apart to the sides, like an “M” or frog position, with the thighs supported and the hips and knees bent.This can be challenging when placing a baby with a brace into a car seat

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How To Safely Clean Your Car Seat

Posted by Julie Monson on

Let’s be honest. No parent enjoys cleaning a car seat. It is something I dread and try to limit to 3-4 times per year, unless there’s a body fluid malfunction in-between. It involves uninstalling all 3 of my car seats, and it usually ends in me crying in the driveway as I struggle to get the covers back on and all 3 to install perfectly across the backseat. Car seats abound with germs, which seep into the nooks and crannies. Keeping the car seat clean not only prevents your child from getting sick, but it also helps keep your baby...

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Positional Asphyxiation | The Suffocation Risks of Car Seats

Posted by Julie Monson on

When a baby is fastened into a car seat incorrectly he/she may slump over. This can hinder your baby’s breathing. When a newborn slumps forward, the full weight of their body is shifted forward. This slumped posture can mean the rib cage is not able to expand properly,

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