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Co-sleeper mode: Birth to 7kg or when baby starts rolling

Campcot mode to 20kg

EN 716:1 certified

The Department of Health (UK) recommends babies sleep in their parents' room but in a separate cot for the first 6-12 months, which reduces the risk of SIDS by up to 50%. The BabyWombWorld Camp Cot and Co-Sleeper attaches to your bed to prevent a dangerous gap forming between your bed and the co-sleeper. The side closest to your bed is dropped down to allow easy access to your baby for night feeds, and it gives your baby all the health and emotional benefits of being close to you at night. 

With the camp cot in the co-sleeper (upper) position, the BabyWombWorld camp cot has a zipped door at the bottom to allow for the storage of nappies, blankets etc.

Once your baby starts rolling and/or reaches 7kg, it should be lowered into camp cot mode. It can also be used as a playpen to keep your baby safe when you need to put your little one down. The camp cot/playpen mode can be used until 15kg.

The Babywombworld co-sleeper and camp cot has a collapsible and lightweight frame, making it easy to pack up and transport. It is made from 300D mélange fabric giving it a stylish look and feel in a light grey/blue colour. Toy barchanging table and mattress sold separately. 

Assembled dimensions: 102 x 70 x 77 cm